Default domestic service
Choose the default service to use when starting a new domestic mailing.
 Default international service
Choose the default service to use when starting a new international mailing.
 Default service option
Choose the default confirmation service to use when starting a new mailing. Options include:
Delivery Confirmation
Signature Confirmation
 Insurance type
Choose the insurance provider to use. This selection will only be used if you choose to insure your mailing.
The ways to insure a package include:
With USPS insurance, you pay for the insurance at the same time you pay for the postage. However, you will need to prepare, by hand, the appropriate insurance form (3813 for items $50 of value, or the 3813P for items of $50 or more) and present the item at the front counter at your local Post Office. Also, you will not be able to use the Stealth Indicia feature if you want to use USPS insurance.
With the Endicia Parcel Insurance, you do not need to apply for a policy - just select “Endicia Parcel Insurance” when you print your label. There are also no reports to prepare - each month, Endicia will calculate your premium, and charge that alone with your service fee (if you pay monthly). The price for the insurance is based on the type of label that is printed and the type of account you have. For detailed information on the fee structure, please visit the Endicia website.
Third-Party Insurance
You can use a third party company (such as U-PIC) to insure your package. The rate a third party insurer charges are less than what the USPS charges. You would need to sign up for a policy with the insurer, and then just select “Third Party insurance” when you print your label. Every month you would need to prepare a report (one for each computer you ship from) and send it with your premium payment to the insurer.
For additional details please refer to Endicia's website.
 Endicia account level
Choose the level of your Endicia account. Options include:
NOTE: You must have an Endicia account level of Premium or higher to use PC Postage.
 Domestic rates
Commercial prices are discounted postage prices that are available to some Endicia customers. Choose Retail if you do not have commercial pricing, or Commercial if you do. Contact Endicia for more details about commercial pricing.
 Domestic Express mail
Commercial Plus prices are discounted postage prices that are available to some Endicia customers. Check if you have Commercial Plus rates for domestic express mail, uncheck otherwise. Contact Endicia for more details about Commercial Plus.
 Domestic Priority mail
Commercial Plus prices are discounted postage prices that are available to some Endicia customers. Check if you have Commercial Plus rates for domestic priority mail, uncheck otherwise. Contact Endicia for more details about Commercial Plus.
 Enable Cubic Pricing
Cubic Pricing prices are discounted postage prices that are available to some Endicia customers. This option will only be available if you check 'Enable Commercial Plus rates.' Check if you have Cubic Pricing rates, uncheck otherwise. Contact Endicia for more details about Cubic Pricing.
 International rates
Commercial prices are discounted postage prices that are available to some Endicia customers. Choose Retail if you do not have international commercial pricing, or Commercial if you do. Contact Endicia for more details about international commercial pricing.