Pick an Order - Multiple Order ModeOverview
You can use the mobile device to help pick the required items for a sales order. The mobile device will walk the worker through the picking process, organizing the items based on the layout of your warehouse. (NOTE: Item reorganization requires the use of Bins in NetSuite. For more details see: About Bin Sorting) Single order mode will walk the worker through a single order a time, while multiple order mode will allow a worker to pick multiple orders at once, possibly increasing efficiency. If you would like to change your picking mode, please contact Oz Development.
Pick an Order
From the main OzLINK screen, tap Pick Order and enter your NetSuite credentials when prompted.
Scan or type in a sales order number that you would like to pick. OzLINK will connect to NetSuite and gather the required information from the sales order. The mobile device will show a list of items that are in the scanned order. You can enter additional sales orders to pick if you like, and OzLINK will add the appropriate items to the picking list. NOTE: If OzLINK shows an item to pick instead and does not allow you to enter additional sales orders, you are in Single Order Mode. Tap Start Picking to finish entering order numbers and begin picking. Tap Clear Grid if you would like to clear the list of items to be picked and start fresh. If bins are activated, OzLINK will reorder the items for the most efficient picking route. For more details see: About Bin Sorting.
Example item pick screen:
![]() Review Picked Items
Tap the Scanned tab at the bottom of the screen to view a list all of the items that have already been picked. You can continue to pick additional items while you are on this screen.
View Items Remaining to be Picked
Tap the Remaining tab at the bottom of the screen to view a list of the items remaining to be picked. You can continue to pick additional items while you are on this screen.
View Orders
Tap the Orders tab at the bottom of the screen to see the order numbers you are currently working with. This is most useful if you have enabled the ability to pick multiple orders at once. You can also view the tote numbers that you should be using for each order (if totes are enabled). You can continue to pick additional items while you are on this screen.
Start Over with Current Sales Orders
Tap Actions in the bottom left of your screen, then Reset All Items to start your picking over again with the previously entered sales items. If you have already picked some items then you must return them to their original bins to maintain inventory accuracy in NetSuite.
Cancel Picking
Tap Actions in the bottom left of your screen, then Cancel Picking to completely cancel your item pick. If you have already picked some items then you must return them to their original bins to maintain inventory accuracy in NetSuite. OzLINK will return you to the order entry screen to start picking again. Tap Main Menu if you would like to complete a different task.
Fast Scan
Fast Scan removes the ability to edit the Bin and Qty sections of the Pick Order screen, but can speed up picking if you often pick small quantities. Each time an item is scanned, OzLINK will assume that you are picking a single item from the listed bin and will immediately allow you to scan another item. The worker will only have to scan item numbers and will no longer have to scan bin numbers or enter quantities. Each individual item must be scanned as it is picked.
To turn Fast Scan on or off, first start picking an order. Tap the Actions button in the bottom left of your screen, then tap Fast Scan to toggle the feature on and off.
Error at end of pick - You must have at least one valid line item
Getting this error at the end of a pick is likely due to inaccurate inventory, possibly due to picking from a different bin than was indicated on the mobile device. You can keep your picking work by trying the following: